Premium contemporary painting

All paintings by Anita Familje are realistic! Models exist in reality!
Moreover, the exquisite style that Anita came to through working as a fashion designer and studying at the Academy of Arts makes her work unrealistically elegant and natural!

Video presentation: artist's philosophy


Dear friends, I am very honored to invite you to my new project together with the organizers of Deurne Culture for a two-day exhibition

You will be able to visit an extensive exhibition in the beautiful building of Deurne city hall, vote for the most liked paintings and spend time culturally.

A great event for the whole family and friends!


Feel free to bring your partner and/or a few friends (presence required)
04/10 from 20:00:
jury tour and networking moment with Cultuurraad Deurne and performance by Les Marcelles and a drink
05/10 between 14:00 and 21:00:
expo open to the public, chance for visitors to vote for the audience award
06/10 between 11:00 and 15:00:
expo open to the public, chance for visitors to vote for the audience award
Everyone is welcome!
Maurice Dequeeckerplein 1, 2100 Antwerpen

September 2024

I have great news: I became an ambassador of the GLOBAL TALENT confederation

After hard work during the festival in London, I gave an interview, presented my works and my mission, met the organizers personally and after some time I was recommended as a possible resident.
There are new projects ahead, in which I will be able to take direct part and as a part of it!

new collection of paintings «elements»

The new collection of paintings by the artist Anita Familje ELEMENTS is aimed at thematic depiction of natural phenomens and elements through portraiture.

Style: hyperrealism. The paintings are made in a single format, with a focus on the depicted object.

Painting in the interior
She has been nominated for an Academy Award, two Grammy Awards, and the Mercury Prize

new art project "OPEN STAGE"

Anita Familje presents a new interactive art project "Open Scene" on Fridays, at the Washboard cultuurcafe, Antwerp city.
She spends a live evening on stage, where she talks about contemporary art and shows her paintings, takes an excursion into fashion and presents a performance where she creates from basic things and scraps of fabric a beautiful couture dress, draws something right in front of those present.
The main feature of the evening is the color scheme, a certain dress code, which is used by the artist in the exhibition of his paintings and outfits, as well as the color scheme of the speakers.
Guests are happy to catch this flash mob wave and come beautifully dressed within the dress code.
This way we get very beautiful stylish photographs and the artist Anita is preparing a film about the last evening. By the way, guests of the evening can be anyone, without exception, who has something to tell from the stage. These are mainly creative people, singers, actors, artists, designers. You can also become the star of the evening. to do this you need to contact Anita and discuss your performance.


Welcome to the Art World of Anita Familje, modern oil painter, portraitist, fashion designer and creator of the Anita Familje brand. She was born and studied in Belarus, graduated from the Academy of Arts.

Now she lives in Belgium, developing creative name here. She has already organized several solo exhibitions, participated in urban projects, in the museum, street-art and photo-fashion
If I have to start my life with the clear page, I will certainly paint it with bright colors!

Anita Familje


You should definitely see creations of AnitaFamilje!
To be sure how realistic they are!
All Works have participated in exhibitions some 4 times.
Anita will accept any of your orders and fulfill it unbeatably


Предлагаю вам мои курсы по рисованию

Только в январе! Скидка на все видео уроки 50%
Попробуйте реализовать свое вдохновение и найти новые идеи для творчества: практические уроки рисования рассказывают простым языком о сложных академических навыках.

Наша задача: готовая работа в конце каждого занятия.
Вы получите невероятно лёгкое описание и уникальные творческие идеи.
А обратная связь с художником гарантирует вам настоящий шедевр в собственном исполнении!

art service

Colorful face paintings for children and adults are a special part of any party: Birthday, city event, Halloween. Always trendy aquagrim.

Book your artist visit in advance!
Experience working with the city in street art projects (not to be confused with graffiti). Whether you have a wall outside the house or in the interior, we can choose with you the most suitable ideas and colors.

Anita will help you choose a drawing, color and calculate the amount of paint
You have a wall outside the house or in the interior and would like to decorate it? We can choose the most suitable ideas and colors.

Anita will help you choose a drawing, color and calculate the amount of paint. Beauty salon, child’s room, painting old furniture, business office — any ideas!
Anita Familje organizes an original drawing/painting workshop for adults and children ArtPERO.

Aesthetic presentation, ease and accessibility to any level of training, individual approach. Each participant goes home with a finished work!
For questions regarding cooperation, please write to us. The manager will contact you within 24 hours.
Portrait to order in any of the techniques: graphics or paint.
Capture the moment of your dear people and pets.

Get professional help from the artist in choosing the format, color scheme and execution technique.
For questions and ordering services, write to telegram:
For questions and ordering services, write to WHATSAPP:

more about portraits to order

Graf, oil on canvas 60x80 cm 2020

This client had already purchased a couple of paintings from me and returned with a personal order: an image of his favorite pet. Now the painting hangs in the most central place in the hall.

Yasmina, 2023

The girl ordered a portrait from me based on people’s recommendations. We chose the graphic technique, pencil on paper. A4 format.

Maori, oil, canvas 2019

An order and a picture from the presentation of the Charm collection, where real models were present live. People could chat with them and compare the image in the painting. Maori the indigenous people of New Zealand and a trendy tattoo on the body. The customer asked to realize his portrait of a torso.

Nastya, oil, canvas 2018

This is a portrait of my classmate, she herself is an artist and fashion designer and I consider her one of my most beautiful friends.

Laroussi, oil, canvas 2019

Famous Belgian fitness trainer, author of his own training methods, fitness model.


Participation in European exhibitions and solo projects
An exhibition where the different characters of two artists are combined in a single theme: Equilibrium
An exhibition where the different characters of two artists are combined in a single theme: EquilibriumPhoto by Jacob
Elegant collection of female portraits
Elegant collection of female portraits "Grace"
Solo-expo with gorgeous works of female portraits from Anita Familje
Solo-expo with gorgeous works of female portraits from Anita Familje
Legendary exhibition of male images with live models at the vernissage
Legendary exhibition of male images with live models at the vernissage
Exhibition for 27 artists in the chic hall of the old brewery
Photo by LeioExhibition for 27 artists in the chic hall of the old brewery


  • Loreta Gurvic
    Очень талантливый художник. Она много для меня создала, я очень довольна её работами. Какую бы работу она ни делала, всё делается с любовью, с душой, скрупулёзно. Рекомендую обратить внимание на Аниту, вы обязательно останетесь довольны её творением.
  • Марина Пархамович
    За труд прекрасный и уменье, хочу спасибо тебе сказать.
    За твоё шедевральное творенье, поклон тебе низкий передать.
    За то, что ты свою работу, чудесно выполнить смогла, что делала её в охоту, и до конца все довела!
    Благодарю за качество, ты талантлива. Рекомендую!
  • Анастасия Горбунова
    Аня — тот художник, который пишет свои картины душой! Они создаются не ради денег или каких-то финансовых перспектив и вознаграждений. Личность художника безумно многогранна — с высоким профессионализмом она пишет свои картины, создаёт одежду, мастерит кукол. Дизайнер с большой буквы.

portfolio as a gift

The new portfolio format will help you quickly navigate the artist’s extensive theme: how the artist came to the author’s style, what historical sources it was based on, what motivates him.


Keep up to date with the latest news and events related to my art works on the Instagram page


I am always open to communication.
If you are interested in my paintings or courses, please fill out the form and I will contact you within a day
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